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Political Views
Gender & Anatomical/Biological Sex
  • I believe it would be preferred if you had at least mild dysphoria with your sexual anatomy before you considered medical transitioning. This is to reduce any future regret or dysphoria you may have if you end up transitioning without having dysphoria, to begin with, especially if you take HRT or receive genital surgery (bodily or facial contouring and vocal surgeries can likely be reversed easily). However, if you insist on medically transitioning despite having no sexual dysphoria, please take responsibility for your actions, particularly if you are an adult. Do not blame the doctors for deciding to go along with your decision, especially if you either lied to get access to hormones/surgery or if you filled in an informed consent form. Do not be hostile toward the concept of transsexualism either. Even if it did not work out for you, it works out perfectly fine for many others. While I do not understand why a person would transition without feeling any physical dysphoria, I cannot stop you and all I can do is try to support your decision and your right to do so.

  • Please inform yourself about everything there is to know about the transgender history and medical and/or social transitioning if you believe you may be transgender or if you are considering transitioning. Read about every single piece of information from every side of the debate before considering transitioning. This includes reading material you do not want to read and/or material you disagree with so you may get the entire picture of what you will face in your lifetime and/or make an informed decision about your true psychological sex and your situation and to get an idea of what transitioning is like, what to expect, and if it is the proper thing for you to do. Read all of this, even if you end up discarding this information and believing it doesn't apply to you (and/or anyone else).

  • I believe gender is related to sex. While gender is not sex in and of itself, there is a tie between gender and sex, and gender and sex may be correlated. Gender as a social role should be abolished completely. It is unnecessary and restrictive. People should be able to dress, behave, and enjoy whatever they please, regardless of what sexual anatomy they have. (Though, people may still be more attracted to certain presentations than others; that cannot be controlled.) However, gender, as in the way you perceive yourself, is based on anatomical sex and biological realities. It is related to whether or not you believe you should have breasts along with a vagina and uterus or a penis and testicles, whether you believe you should incubate another creature and give birth to it, or whether you should impregnate another creature. Whether you should have a sharp jawline, prominent brow ridge, narrow hips, wider nose, facial hair, angular eyes, and a deeper voice, or whether you should have wide hips, a smaller brow ridge, a narrower nose, smoother jaw, a rounder eye shape, and little-to-no facial hair. Some people are fine with the characteristics they and members of their natal sex have. Some people believe they should have the complete opposite of what they and/or members of their natal sex have. Others believe they should have a mix of these characteristics, an in-between of these characteristics, or none of these characteristics at all. These are all valid opinions. However, no matter the case, gender typically has a physical form that relates to what sexual (and sexually dimorphic) characteristics they believe they should have. This does not encompass overall morphology such as whether you believe you should have pink hair or be a wolf or a star or an anime character. For this, "stargender" and related genders do not necessarily communicate what pronouns and general nouns we should use for you nor what sexual characteristics you believe you should have. It simply correlates what you believe is aesthetically pleasing, what physical form you wish to take, or what you feel relates to you in general—it is a general personality trait, unrelated to what gender is supposed to be.

  • The goal of transitioning should be to live, function, and be perceived as a member of your adopted sex. This includes incorporating as much of their appearance as possible. While "passing" should not have to entirely be required to earn respect, there should be at least an effort in passing whenever possible.

  • It makes no sense for someone to call themselves transgender if they are not planning on transitioning whatsoever, particularly in real-life. Transitioning, in this case, refers to even superficial changes such as wardrobe, hairstyling, make-up, and overall appearance. The "trans-" in transgender stands for transitioning. Changing pronouns and declaring new psychological sex does not constitute transitioning, in my point of view, since it does not change how others will perceive you, nor how you will function in society in a sexed sense. It only changes a fraction of the language used about you and likely will not change how others treat you in a sexed sense.

  • Chromosomes are not what determine biological sex. The genetics inside the chromosomes is what is a good portion of the determiner. Especially SOX-9 and FOXL2, which change sex almost entirely when one is switched off and the other is activated. These can be found within your chromosomes. The other portion is the hormones you are exposed to long-term. They do an immaculate job of producing most of the changes in your body, particularly during puberty. Chromosomes themselves do nothing. This is why you get sexual variations such as De la Chapelle Syndrome / XX Male Syndrome, Swyer Syndrome / XY Gonadal Dysgenesis, and (Complete) Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. Gametes might have a role in this, but gametes can be removed, even if currently not changed (but medical advances are working on changing this), therefore, if based on gametes alone, plenty of humans who remove their gametes can be considered of "null" sex.

  • I do not approve of nounself pronouns. I would much rather use your name and rephrase sentences if necessary. Certain neopronouns have validity, but nounself pronouns seem like complete nonsense and mangling of language. Pronouns such as "skull/skulls/skullself" are very difficult to read and write, even more awkward to use verbally, and are too complicated to function as proper pronouns. Pronouns should be easy to pronounce, keep a sentence comprehensive, and be able to use without too much thought or effort. Pronouns such as "ey/em" and "kit/kits" are so similar to they/them and it/its, it seems worthless to use them instead of what already exists, not to mention that "kit" pronouns have the double inclusion of sounding like "kitty" that it would sound more like a name or a reference to a cat than a reference to a person or a proper pronoun—so much so that it would be worthless to use. Xe/xem, ze/zerm, ve/vem, heesh/himmer/hizzer, and similar seem to be the only neopronouns I consider valid.

  • Transitioning should be considered a last-resort thing to do if no other methods such as psychotherapy have not helped with your dysphoria. For minors, medical transitioning during puberty should only occur if the child has had persistent signs of gender dysphoria since at least the age of 3 (maximum of 7). Puberty blockers would be good for these children if necessary, but only for these children.

  • The causes of transsexualism may have many different origins, from neurological structures/neurological patterns to genetics, hormonal variations, and even environmental factors. For now, there is no way of being able to truly tell what causes gender dysphoria.

  • Identification as another sex must not be solely due to dissatisfaction with sex stereotypes/”gender roles” (aka gender variance), but out of a genuine desire to be accepted as and function as members of the opposite sex. (i.e.: if you would be perfectly content with being your natal/current sex if there were no sex stereotypes/gender roles and you could present and act however you want without limitation based on your sex, you most likely aren’t truly transgender, as you don’t truly feel like another sex, but rather simply feel displeased with society’s gender roles and would benefit from a simple gender-variant rebellion or a simple society without these stereotypes).

  • Atypical (non-binary) dysphoria is a possible phenomenon, though one that is, perhaps, rarer than typical dysphoria. Requires more research into it.

  • Those who desire or actually acquire a physical nullification of their sex characteristics and/or a mix of both are the ones I take the most seriously. Along with those who put effort into presenting androgynously. I am more skeptical of those who simply identify as non-binary without trying to present androgynously or having any desire to nullify or mix characteristics unless there are valid reasons for it (e.g.: unaccepting family members, inability to afford new clothes/SRS, etc). The only exceptions to this are genderfluid people as they typically shift between different genders and, therefore, different presentations.

  • If you are offended by misgendering, you should try to remain calm about it and try telling the person your correct pronouns in a sedate manner or ignoring it. Please try not to throw a fit about it. It won’t reflect well. You can curse them and vent about it in the privacy of your own home later if you must. I recommend not posting about it online, though.

  • If you are simply a transvestite, it would be best if you accepted if people referred to you as your natal sex (i.e.: male transvestite or female transvestite, rather than “transvestite woman” and “transvestite man”; androgynous female or androgynous male), especially if characteristics associated with your birth sex are still present on yourself, considering you are simply dressing as the opposite sex and are not medically transitioning. This does not make you any less of a man or woman, but your natal sex will still be prominent.

  • To young people questioning whether or not they should medically transition (to binary sex), imagine you are a lot older than you are now- 40, 50, 60, 70+… do you see yourself as being the other sex? For FTMs, can you see yourself as a balding, wrinkly old man, perhaps leaning on a cane? Can you see yourself in an elderly residential home being taken care of by completely male staff? Can you imagine having a completely male body, especially as an elderly man? Do you feel it fits you? For MTFs, imagine basically the same thing- an elderly woman with thinning white hair, sagging, wrinkly breasts, and crow’s feet. (For lack of better characteristics for this group.) Does this vision fit your desired path? It’s easier to think of yourself as an attractive youthful person but harder to imagine yourself growing to old age. If you were alone on a secluded island, would you still wish to transition?

  • Another thing to consider: why do you want to transition? Question yourself over and over again. Would your life really change for the better if you transitioned? Why so? Is it really that hard living in your current body? Why is that? Question yourself to the deepest pits of your soul until you can figure out whether this is the right choice or not. Would it really be worth it all?

  • To epicene (non-binary) people wishing to acquire androgynous/neuter traits: I would recommend NOT taking hormone therapy for this. If you would like to look more androgynous, I would recommend opting for surgery instead, including facial surgery. Surgery will give you a more tailored result and might do better in giving you truly androgynous traits. Taking estrogen will give you a(n almost) completely feminized form while taking testosterone will give you a(n almost) completely masculinized form. Estrogen will feminize your face and give you feminine body fat distribution (including breast growth), meanwhile, testosterone will masculinize your face and give you masculine body fat distribution (including clitoris enlarging and, depending on genetics, facial hair growth). If you do NOT want these, surgery would be a better option for giving you the androgyny you’re looking for.

  • You do not need to be considered aesthetically pleasing ("beautiful") in order to "pass" as male or female. Even unattractive cissexual women are still women.

  • Once you have taken hormones and/or had the appropriate surgeries, you are no longer "passing"—you are living, you are being. You ARE your transitioned sex, even if you do not have all of their characteristics and features.

  • Males and females are equal and should be treated with respect. Discriminating against either sex is unacceptable, whether it be misogyny or misandry. The patriarchy affects both men and women of all orientations in many different ways and effort should be taken to understand and tackle this to ensure that respect and peace can be achieved by and for both sexes. While there are plenty of men who are dangerous and sexist against women and are willing to enact this openly, it should not be said that all men do this and that it is ingrained into them biologically. This is not only dangerous to the mental health of men and women alike but can also be used to excuse the behaviors of sexist men by likening it to something that cannot be changed or helped, alongside ignoring the women who also perpetuate such things. While society has a way to go before true equality between the sexes can be achieved and the notion that biological sex determines your fate, there are plenty of better ways to tackle these issues. Plus, a large portion of contemporary society wishes to fight for women's rights, even if not in the exact manner that radical feminists expect or desire. Unfortunately, a society that fights for sex equality will also need to acknowledge that women can harm and be bad people, too. A matriarch should not be the solution to a patriarch, the solution should be to remove sexual monarchy in total. My opinion on this matter is not fully formed and can change at any time as I am not up-to-date on feminist issues, nor do I know much about how sexism affects society (particularly specifically women) in general.

  • Exclusively she/her = female. Exclusively he/him = male. They/them or mixed = non-binary.

Sexual Orientation / The LGBA & The Hetty Betties
  • Cissexual aromantic heterosexuals and heteromantic asexuals (alongside similar on the asexual spectrum) do not belong in the LGBT community due to being hetero. Aromantic asexuals, LGB asexuals, and transgender asexuals DO belong in the LGBT community due to being non-heterosexual and/or non-cisgender. While asexuals may be correctively raped for being asexual, and both aromantics and asexuals may be judged for being asexual/aromantic, they do not typically face other forms of oppression for simply being asexual or aromantic. Their cisgender heterosexuality/heteromanticism will shield them from most forms of oppression. They are not inherently LGBT.

  • It makes no sense for lesbians to be attracted to post-transition transgender men (female-to-male transsexuals). Once a transgender man has completed his transition, whether that includes or excludes genital surgery, it makes no sense for a homosexual female to be attracted to what is essentially a man or male appearance. The female-to-male vagina does not naturally lubricate anymore once on testosterone, they will smell like men, they will look like men, and they will likely have no more (fully-formed) breasts—they will essentially be male in almost every way. There is not much for a lesbian to be attracted to and it seems more as though you are attempting to misgender them for political purposes than actual, genuine attraction to their current appearance. I mention lesbianism in particular solely because I have never seen a homosexual male claim to be attracted to a post-transition transgender woman (male-to-female transsexual), even the "gender critical" gay men.

  • Non-binary people should not be considered lesbians. Lesbian = a woman who is exclusively attracted to other women, whether either woman is transgender or cisgender. If you identify as being sexless/genderless/null or being an androgyne, you cannot be a lesbian because you are not exclusively a woman. You either don't have a gender or you are both male and female (whether at the same time or at different points). Either way, you cannot be considered fully a woman, and being non-binary has excluded you from being considered such. If you are exclusively attracted to women, you are gynophilic. If you are exclusively attracted to men, you are androphilic. If you are attracted to every gender but your own, you are hetero. If you are only attracted to other epicene (non-binary) people, you are enbian. If you consider yourself a lesbian or a woman-loving woman (WLW), you are admitting that you still see yourself as a woman or directly connected to womanhood. In this scenario, it seems illogical to be able to have your cake and eat it too. Lesbian, for centuries, has been known for exclusive attraction to other women by women. It is improper to erase or corrupt the history and dictionary definition behind this word.

  • There are only 4 orientations: heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, and asexual. Everything beyond these is simple preferences, whether that be personality, physical, morphological (e.g.: fat vs skinny), "dimensional" (e.g.: fiction vs reality), genital, health, or otherwise. Fetishes are also sexual preferences, whether you have one or not, whether you want to have sex with others alongside your fetish or not, whether you can get sexually aroused by other things or not—if your fetish is your only sexuality and it does not make you wish to engage in partnered sex, you can still be considered asexual. If you are interested in or have a strong desire to engage in sexual interactions with other people, you are likely homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual, even if this attraction only happens when you get to know someone, even if you prefer it when others do not feel the same way (rape?) and lose it when they do.

  • To transsexuals—people who do not wish to have sex with you based on your genitalia are most likely not transphobic. They might simply not be attracted to your genitalia and would not like to interact with it in an intimate manner. They might even still see you as your adoptive sex but simply do not enjoy your genitals, and that should be okay. Do not pressure them to have sex with you if you don’t want to, or that can be considered rape or sexual harassment. You probably wouldn’t want the same happening to you, so don’t inflict it upon others.

  • Marriage is for everyone of every orientation who is over the age of 18 and consenting. Legal marriage is a human construct that does not inherently indicate "love" or certain lifestyles so it is unlikely that any deity would be concerned with a human construct in the form of a piece of paper rather than actions, intentions, and consequences.

  • The bible quote that is most often utilized as a biblical condemnation of homosexuality most likely refers to pederasty. In ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, it was common for men who wished to have sexual relations with other males to seek out young boys to penetrate because, in those times, sexuality was not conceptualized in the same manner as it is now. In those days, the receiving role was viewed as feminine and the giving role was viewed as masculine, regardless of whether the person in either role was male or female. It was considered shameful for adult men (defined, supposedly and crudely, by "when they grew facial hair") to take on the "feminine role" as the receiver of penetrative intercourse. However, it wasn't deemed shameful for youthful males (defined by "no facial hair") to be on the receiving end. Therefore, in order to avoid being shamed by society, adult men would seek out youthful males to penetrate anally in order to relieve their sexual urges. Because it was uncommon for adult men to publicly have sex with other adult men, it was more likely that Jesus was referring to pederasty rather than general homosexuality and that there was a mistranslation of "youth"/"boy" to "man." It is debated whether or not this was deliberate and the origin of what caused this mistranslation.

Psychiatric Care & Psychological Health
  • I do not believe in casual self-diagnosis for most mental health conditions (exceptions: anxiety and depression). Conditions such as OCD, psychotic disorders (including schizophrenia and disassociative identity disorder), Autism spectrum disorders, personality disorders, and mood disorders should not be self-diagnosed on a whim. If you do not have the money or health insurance to see a psychotherapist about your conditions, nor do you have access to doctors through family members or peers, I would recommend researching extensively and obsessively about each disorder you may think you have for more than a year (reading more than 1-5 online articles about it in a single day or month, for example; reading at least 10+ articles, plus books/e-books, psychology papers & resources, etc.), tracking down symptoms you may have shown throughout your entire life including in the present over the course of your research and even thereafter, and thinking over your family's medical history if you can. I also think you should still try to save up over time to see a mental health professional so they can confirm your diagnosis and give you the proper prescriptions and resources. But before getting a diagnosis confirmed, it is recommended that instead of saying, e.g.: "I have Autism", you should say "I suspect I may have Autism" instead in your profiles, descriptions, chats, etc.

  • I do not like the use of the term "retard[ed]" or its variants or the use of mental health conditions as a joke or in a derogatory manner. Most people who do these things are ignorant and fuel the discriminatory manner in which society continues to treat those with mental health conditions—including in the most extreme cases, death and intense physical abuse/torture. These can include jokes about suicide and committing suicide (when done improperly).

  • I believe the psychiatric health system needs a major reformation. Unfortunately, despite being a psychiatric patient, I am unsure how exactly these changes can start and how they can be developed over time, but we can possibly start by evaluating doctors and their intentions, evaluating their treatment methods & personal beliefs, and properly training them to handle situations without violence or unnecessary involuntary treatment. This includes doctors and care staff in "mental health facilities" and residential care facilities where some of the worst treatment of mental health patients are enacted. The training can be done with neurotypical actors on a script acting in hypothetical ways that a patient and/or their caretakers can react to certain statements, actions, and treatments. The professionals can also try listening to their patients, analyzing and assessing their needs in detail, and, if necessary, reaching a compromise. I believe violence from patients should not be dealt with by equal or worse forms of violence. Restraints should be used in worst-case scenarios and practiced safely (e.g.: not sitting on their entire bodies, tightly holding their chests or necks, etc.) Professionals (doctors) should also be given IQ and EQ tests to ensure they have the proper "intelligence" to understand, respond to, and act properly with patients. Medications should be handled with care and extreme forms of treatment (e.g.: lobotomies, electroshock therapy, etc.) should only be enacted in worst-case scenarios and the explicit consent of both the patient (foremost) and their loved ones. Sedation should be used in worst-case scenarios and in pill form only and should ideally be enacted after they've had at least one or two meals to sustain their bodies for the next day.

  • Autistics should not be forced to be completely "normal". Autistics should be allowed to retain their harmless forms of eccentricity and should be allowed to hyper-fixate on certain topics and have people to discuss these with without judgment. Autistics should be allowed to at least execute mild, soundless stims in public and should be accommodated to the best of one's abilities when it comes to overstimulation. A compromise can be reached for autistics & allistics.

Racial Issues
  • I believe that Black Lives Matter should change its name to "Black Lives Matter Too" or "BLM2". This would make it so racial supremacists and other opponents can sympathize more with the movement without strawmanning it into the belief that only black lives matter. Similar to "Stop Asian Hate" which focuses on the issue without only implying that Asian lives are the only lives that matter.

  • There is nothing inherently immoral about people from other countries wanting to move into countries that they were not born in, particularly the United States. Unfortunately, with how extremely difficult it is to move in "legally", being that such an honor to be even considered for evaluation is only reserved for the specialist of people, to begin with, it makes perfect sense that some people will try to get in "illegally" in hopes for a better life. While efforts could be made to improve the lives in their home countries in every way possible, such achievements take a long time to make, and humans are naturally curious creatures wanting to experience new things in new environments—this is how many forms of colonization began—so, therefore, it is only natural that some people would want to move in without even needing a "proper" reason.

  • Undocumented immigrants ("illegal immigrants") who act in criminal manners should be treated as a criminal who is a legal citizen. They should be imprisoned normally within the country or if deportation is necessary, deported with their family members if any. Also, the prospect of undocumented immigrants who commit crimes should not be the determiner of how difficult it is to properly acquire citizenship in a country or how difficult it is to cross a border. This assumes that all foreigners think alike and have the same motives, which is untrue, that the majority of foreigners have ill intentions, which is likely untrue, and implies that crimes are not committed on a daily basis by legal citizens, which is definitely untrue.

  • Colonization can be horrific. The idea that foreigners can forcefully enter your nation, occupy it, dismantle and replace existing governing institutions, and enforce laws that can terrorize you, torture you physically, mentally, emotionally, cognitively, and psychologically, brutalize you and your loved ones, and declare you a second-class citizen unworthy of the same rights as them is one of the worst things you can go through. If one wishes to exchange ideas and promote a change of policy for certain aspects of societies, it should be done in a peaceful manner without the need to murder or brutalize others or occupy and force changes upon its citizens. Unless a certain aspect of society is inherently harmful and dangerous to one's life (psychologically & physically), there is no need to enforce new regulations on them forcefully or intervene at all. Most societies that were colonized thrived without their colonizers for centuries and were left in ruins after their colonization. This is a crime against humanity, to say the least.

  • There is no superior race, all races are equal in a biological, psychological, intellectual, and genetic sense. Things would be a lot better if human races could be ignored in favor of character and deemed unimportant in general. While we may still have preferences, as we do with dog breeds, this should not mean that one race should be considered superior to another and that their race is inherently flawed.

  • Interracial couples are beautiful and so are mixed-race children. There is nothing inherently immoral about either, regardless of whether or not they are "confused" about their culture in the future.

  • Non-black people should not be allowed to say the "n-word" without permission. Unfortunately, getting permission from a specific black person or (group of black people) does not permit you to say it in front of every one of them. Circumstances should be considered. Those who are mixed with black people should at least be allowed to say the first half of the word or say "negro" instead.

  • The Holocaust definitely happened and was atrocious and I hope the Nazis are suffering for their crimes against humanity wherever they are.

  • More to be added.


  • To be added.


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